Kraft Mac and Cheese: how to overcome the pitfalls of launching a healthier variant of your product, Apple branding & advertising, Innovation podcast

Episode 54 Kraft Mac and Cheese: How to overcome the pitfalls of launching a healthier variant of your product

In this episode, we look at the behavioral science secrets behind the success of Kraft Mac and Cheese. We focus on two broad areas: First, how they managed to launch a new version of the product (with all the artificial colourings removed) without damaging sales. That’s an impressive achievement, as often if you stress that a product has become healthier it damages taste expectations. Second, we discuss how Kraft re-designed their packaging to grab people's attention in-store, based on the insight that shoppers' attention is drawn to face-like shapes.

Episode Highlights

Raghunathan’s study into how we assume healthy options will taste worse and that becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy

Ariely’s study into how the order in which consumers hear product information can alter its impact on taste

Guido’s study on the attention grabbing properties of face-like images